Our Services



We supply pollination services to cherry and apple orchardists in the Creston Valley, as well as specialty services for small-lot berry, bush fruit, and vegetable growers.



Our queens are the foundation of our entire business. We believe in high-quality, well-bred livestock selected for productivity, gentleness and resistance to diseases and pests.

Honey Judging

Both Amanda and Jeff are BCHPA-certified honey judges. We’re available to Farm Fairs, beekeeping associations and other groups that hold honey contests. Please contact us for more information


Bees & Packages

We supply nucleus colonies in the spring and summer, depending upon overwintering success and weather/mating conditions.


Swarm Removal

We provide swarm and hive removal and collection services in the Central Kootenay region. We do not kill bees or destroy their nests. Rather, we remove and rehouse them in new hives.