Next Course: March 8-9, 2025
Do you want to learn how to keep honey bees and produce natural honey? Take a beginning beekeeping course. Learn the basics and start keeping bees this year! We offer a certified in-person beginning beekeeping course every spring, and we follow with an in-person, hands-on field day in May. You will be ready to take care of bees and produce honey this season.
Your instructors are certified by the BC Honey Producers Association. We offer an educationally standardized curriculum, backed by years of practical experience as commercial beekeepers and honey producers. As operators of a successful honey and bee livestock business, we are well qualified to teach and guide students through the important first steps of keeping bees. This course is a must if you want to keep bees for fun or for profit. Set yourself correctly on the path towards happy beekeeping!
The two days of classrooms are followed with a hands-on field day at our apiaries. This combination ensures you have all the necessary guidance and practice to keep your bees healthy and productive.
You will learn about keeping bees, their biology, pests and production of honey. We cover what equipment you need and how to recognize and solve problems. For instance,the course covers how to prevent swarming, how to identify diseases and what plants and trees make for a good honey crop. You will work in the field with our bees and equipment, and learn how to extract, keep and even sell honey.
Continuing Mentorship
We want our students to become successful beekeepers. This can be a challenging hobby. For this rerason we offer continuing mentorship to our students as they grow in their beecraft. We have taught and assisted dozens of beekeepers and continue to offer guidance and advice about issues they encounter. Our doors are always open to our students.
When Is The Course?
Next Course: March 8-9, 2025 (Classroom) Hands-on practice and field day in May, 2025.
Location: Honey Bee Zen Apiaries and Swan Valley Honey, 220 Placsko Rd, Creston, B.C.
Cost: $199
Materials provided: Extensive 40-page curriculum handbook and reference binder, yours to keep.
Instructors: Amanda Goodman Lee and Jeff Lee.
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