
This page highlights some of the many resources we frequent for information, bees, supplies and support. It’s not an endorsement of any one company or contributor and it isn’t exhaustive. If you have a site you think is worthy of listing, let us know. We’ll update and add as we go along. Some of these links are to .pdf documents that require the (free) Adobe Reader.


British Columbia Resources

Local B.C. Bylaws & Regulations

UPDATED December 2019 with new links

In British Columbia, anyone keeping bees must be registered with the provincial government. This isn’t a case of Big Brother wanting to spy on you but rather for sensible animal health reasons. Registration allows B.C.’s Apiculture Division keep in touch with you in case of outbreaks of diseases or quarantines, such as the recent small hive beetle scare. Here’s the link to the online registration form.


Registering your hives is also a requirement of all municipalities that allow the keeping of bees. I’ve also found keeping my hives registered with the province very quickly unscrambles complaints when someone complains; we once had a neighbour who insisted to the city that our bees were a problem, only for us all to discover she was being bothered by flying European Chafer Beetles!


Progressive municipalities either specifically permit the keeping of bees in certain urban settings or often turn a blind eye in the absence of a specific bylaw. Very few municipalities now have an outright ban on beekeeping, but there are still a few dinosaurs around. It usually takes a dedicated and patient beekeeper to help those governments see the error of their way. The New Westminster Bee Bylaw is one that was developed by John Gibeau of the Honey Bee Centre and has been used as something of a successful template for other B.C. municipalities.

Many municipalities do regulate the conditions under which you can keep bees, such as how many hives you can have, how far they have to be from your neighbour’s property, and what you are to do when you have swarms.

Here’s an incomplete list of B.C. municipalities and regional districts and where they fall on the issue of keeping bees. If your municipality is either not listed or doesn’t have a specific bee bylaw, you should call your city clerk or zoning department for more information.

Regional Districts

  • Fraser Valley Regional District – silent on bees other than as a permitted farm use.
  • Metro Vancouver Regional District – municipal bylaws (see above) cover most areas
  • Regional District of Central Kootenay – in development as of 2019
  • Regional District of East Kootenay – testing the waters as of 2016
  • Regional District of Kootenay – Boundary – Unclear as of 2019
  • Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen – Some progress!

Other Associations

Provincial & Federal Government Sites

Education, Blogs, Research

Beekeeping Software & Programs

  • Beetight –  great hive tracking program for iPhone, Android
  • Broodminder – an efficient, low-cost wifi monitoring system. We use this!
  • Hivetracks – Another good beekeeping software service
  • All About Bees – A Collection of Melittology Resources (Thanks to Alyson Rothburg for the find!)
  • Beekeeping Safety Resources – A Collection of links (Thanks to Alyson Rothburg for the find!)

Bees, Packages, Nucs

  • Bee Natural Apiaries – Scott Gordon’s great local – queens, nucs
  • BeeMaid (Alberta Honey Producers Coop)  Packages, queens, equipment
  • Bartel Honey Farms – New Zealand packages to Canada
  • Delta Honey Farms – Steve Bayley & Mike Munro. Facebook page. Supplies California queens
  • Flying Dutchman – Stan & Cheryl Reist. Imports NZ, Aussie packages & queens, sells nucs
  • Golden Ears Apiaries – Jean Marc Le Dorze (no link) nucs, bees
  • Kona Queens Hawaii Inc – A phenomenal Hawaii queen-breeding operation
  • Olivarez Honey Bees – the other major exporter of Hawaiian/Californian bees to B.C.

Equipment Suppliers


Other Research & Associations

A Highly Selective Reading List

This is by no means an exhaustive or complete list of books on beekeeping and business. In fact, it represents only a tiny fraction of those available. We say, to each their own tastes. However, these books we’ve found are ones we turn to most frequently for answers to a) questions we find ourselves asking and b) questions we should have asked before facing that next question “why did that go wrong?”

  • Beekeeping in Western Canada, John Gruszka (editor), Alberta Agriculture, 1998, ISBN 0-7732-6139-7  (Older, but still useful: the only text on keeping bees in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, tuned to Canadian beekeeping issues.)
  • Honey Bee Diseases and Pests, 3rd Edition, Canadian Association of Professional Apiculturists, ISBN-13: 978-0969333616 A must-have. Buy directly from
  • The Hive and the Honeybee, Dadant and Sons Inc., Hamilton, Illinois 62341
  • The ABC & XYZ of Bee Culture: An Encyclopedia Pertaining to the Scientific and Practical Culture of Honey Bees (massively reprinted), A.I. Root, Ann Harman, Hachiro Shimanuki, Kim Flottum, A.I. Root Co., 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0936028224
  • Bee Time, Lessons from the Hive, Mark L. Winston, Harvard University Press. 2014, ISBN-13: 978-0674368392 Governor-General’s  Award, an exquisite must-read!
  • The Biology of the Honey Bee, Mark. L. Winston. Harvard University Press. 1991, ISBN-13: 978-0674074095
  • A History of Beekeeping in British Columbia – From 1950 to 2000, Douglas M. McCutcheon, B.C. Honey Producers Association, 2013, ISBN 978-0-9877928-0-8
  • One Hundred Years of Beekeeping in British Columbia – 1858-1958, W.H. Turnbull, 1958, Self-published.
  • Bee-sentials, A Field Guide, Lawrence John Connors & Robert Muir, Wicwas Press, 2012, ISBN 978-1-878075-28-4
  • The Backyard Beekeeper’s Honey Handbook, Kim Flottum, Crestline Books, 2012 ISBN-13: 978-0785829171
  • The New Complete Guide to Beekeeping, Roger A. Morse,  Countryman Press; 2014, ISBN-13: 978-0881503159
  • Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping, Revised Edition, Dewey M. Caron & Lawrence John Connor, Wicwas Press, 2013, ISBN 978-1-878075-29-1
  • Some Important Operations in Bee Management, T.S.K & M.P. Johansson, International Bee Research Association, 1976, ISBN 0-86098-029-4 (Useful chapter bibliographies)
  • Langstroth’s Hive and the Honey-Bee (revised), L.L. Langstroth, Dover, 2004, ISBN 978-0-486-43384-4 (That necessary bible)
  • The Dancing Bees, An Account of the Life and Senses of the Honey Bee, Karl von Frisch, Harcourt Brace, 1953 (Now, how’d they do that?)
  • Honeybee Democracy, Thomas D. Seeley, Princeton University Press, 2010,  ISBN-13: 978-0691147215 (A brilliant follow on von Frisch’s discovery)
  • Queen Rearing Simplified, Jay Smith, X-Star, 2011, ISBN-13: 978-1614760528 (Good old-fashioned advice)
  • Better Queens, Jay Smith, X-Star, 2011, ISBN-13: 978-1614760511 (An improvement on that advice.)
  • Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding, Harry H. Laidlaw, Wicwas Press, 1998. ISBN-13: 978-1878075086 (For the technician)