Renewing Brain Cells with BCHPA beekeeping speakers
Spring always brings the promise of new opportunities and discoveries. Our winter months are consumed with cleaning and rebuilding equipment, expanding capacity and ordering supplies for the coming year. But as the snow recedes up into the mountains, it also brings us closer to one of our favourite
On Agriculture Minister Lana Popham’s Support For Bees in B.C.
March is always a frenetic time for us. We’re just coming out of winter, full of hope for our bees and eager for the new season. It is also the month that delivers new information and ideas, and when theoretical information can transform into practical use. I’m speaking about the B.C. Honey Prod
How Will Canada’s Farmers Handle the COVID-19 Crisis?
There is an element about this Coronavirus pandemic that is being overlooked. With Canada – and indeed most of the rest of the world – now putting in travel restrictions and recommendations for “self-isolation” for at least 14 days, there is going to be significant disruption
Two Years On, An Interview About Beekeeping Careers
It’s been two full beekeeping seasons since Amanda and I took over an established commercial operation in Creston. It meant leaving our familiar urban milleu of Vancouver and environs, and building a new life in British Columbia’s rural southeast corner. Now, as we also launch a newly-redesigned