What Do “Unpasteurized”, “Raw” or “Pure Honey” really Mean?
We frequently get questions from people who visit our farm store or see us at farmers’ markets who want to know about our honey.They’ll ask questions like:“Is this unpasteurized?”“Is this raw or pure honey?”“Do you heat your honey?”“Is this honey organic?”These are all legitimate
On Winning at the honey shows
I am late getting this post up about our tremendous success at the North American and American Honey Shows.In the meantime, we’ve received a lot of media attention about these wins. The phenomenal public response and support has been truly amazing.So here are the long-overdue details:In early Janu
The Fun of Our Award-winning Honey Sourdough bread
It’s pretty gratifying when hard work is rewarded with recognition. In this case, it is Amanda’s own “Bees N’ Seeds” honey sourdough bread. It captured first place and a blue ribbon at the North American Honey Show in Louisville Kentucky, January 2024. It was at Kamon Reynolds’ f
How A Food & Buyers Expo Helps Our Honey Farm Business
We took advantage of the Basin Food & Buyers Expo event in Invermere to reach new customers and also take in important lessons on how to strengthen our honey business.
How Will Canada’s Farmers Handle the COVID-19 Crisis?
There is an element about this Coronavirus pandemic that is being overlooked. With Canada – and indeed most of the rest of the world – now putting in travel restrictions and recommendations for “self-isolation” for at least 14 days, there is going to be significant disruption
Two Years On, An Interview About Beekeeping Careers
It’s been two full beekeeping seasons since Amanda and I took over an established commercial operation in Creston. It meant leaving our familiar urban milleu of Vancouver and environs, and building a new life in British Columbia’s rural southeast corner. Now, as we also launch a newly-redesigned