Who We Are

Our honeys are the products of careful animal husbandry, attention to detail and a love of beekeeping. They have generated awards across North America, a testament to our view that our honey, carefully produced, is a testament to good agricultural practices that respect our bees. You can almost taste the sunshine that our bees have harnessed to produce such flavourful sweetness.
We are committed to working with farmers who respect the land they use and the bees we provide, and we seek out strong and beneficial relationships. We are interested in the science and breeding of bees, the production of honey and hive products, and trying to resolve the challenges bees and their keepers around the world face.
Amanda & Jeff Lee
Amanda and Jeff began keeping bees first as a hobby and turned their passion into a commercial business in 2012. In 2017, they purchased Swan Valley Honey, an already-established honey producer that serves the Kootenay region, and moved operations from New Westminster.They are both certified instructors under the BCHPA Certified Instructors program designed to ensure quality education for beginning beekeepers. They are also both certified honey judges.

Master Beekeeper
Jeff Lee
In addition to being a Master Beekeeper, Jeff is a writer and editor. A journalist by profession, he has 40 years of experience in reporting, much of it with The Vancouver Sun. He left the newspaper in 2016. He has taught at Langara College and is regularly sought as a commentator and communications expert. He also serves as an executive of the B.C Honey Producers Association. Contact: Jeff – Ph: 604-328-5028 Email: jeff@honeybeezen.com

Master Beekeeper
Amanda Goodman Lee
Amanda is a Master Beekeeper and worked as a beekeeping technician for the University of B.C. on several research projects. She is a former advertising executive with PostMedia and is also a member of Women Leading The Way. Amanda is a former president of the Richmond Beekeepers Association and is on a BCHPA committee. Contact: Amanda – Ph. 250-866-6861 Email: Amanda@honeybeezen.com